Within us all,lay the longing
to find purpose in our existence.
But it is far beyond the capacity of the human mind,
beyond the reach of the flesh
to understand the whole of the entity
Only in spirit will this wisdom be held
Still, on occasion, we are made aware
that we have touched the life of another
enough, perhaps, to allow us the knowledge
that we truly are serving a purpose.
Integrity and honor is the measure of our seeking
and in it's doing, we trust to become,
even in the absence of our knowledge,
a lighthouse to lost ships
That they might, in turn, become that same beacon
in own losings
Blind to our own wisdom, we seldom know
which words of our own tongue
have spoken to and heightened the awareness of another
We are all one, and in so being,
we must see this:
Those who rise to greatness, in full view,
take a piece of each of us to that plateau
Who they are, what they become, what they may accomplish,
will arise from all with whom they have crossed paths
If, in a lifetime, one might cross with a hundred,
in each crossing, will they gain wisdom from each spirit
And that hundred will have also crossed with a hundred
who would also cross with a hundred
and a hundred, and a hundred, and a hundred
It is through such, that one is touched by all
and all by one
And so it is, that those who stand in high visibility
stand before you, not as greatness within themselves,
but as representatives of all..
If you really think you cannot possibly be making a
difference in the simplicities of day to day life
think again, friend...
think again..