I saw a glimpse of the awakening spirit
that is you
Caged, perhaps, long ago
by the bars of circumstance
In pleasure, I witness
your escape
Many would have us judged
by that we own
But if we are judged
it is by that we give away
And what have we, really, to give
beyond what we hold within our hearts
All else in this life
simply fades away
If I have been a light in darkness
it is but a reflection of the light
that finds favor to shine upon me
Never mine to hold
As even the moon, in all it's glory
would fall dark
but for the sun,
so am I
so are we
You, my friend, have much to give to many
And you will find, in the giving
your heart will overflow
You never needed to be taught to fly
you only needed to remember
that you knew how