She once said she loved me,
She said that there was no other,
That I was the only one she loved,
And being the fool I am,
I believed her.
She said he was just a friend,
She said that he'd probably always be nothing more than a friend,
In reality, she loved him.
She loved him while she professed her love to me,
I can think of no worse betrayal then this,
A betrayal of love.
I put my trust in her,
It has turned out to be the worse decision I've ever made,
She called me a liar and a backstapper when I got on with my life,
The truth is that I never lied to her once,
I was always completely and totally honest with her,
I trusted her completely.
She has forever scarred this soul of mine,
I will never be able to forget what she has done to me,
A part of my heart is dead now,
And nothing can ever revive it.
I hope her new love interest will please her,
Because I obviously didn't.
When someone lies to your face several times over,
It soon becomes clear that your not doing a good enough job,
And that they never truly loved you