This battle screams aloud and declares its bloody presence a
million-million times. On the street, dead lie and wounded fall, in the
boardroom, on the factory floor, in the bar at night, the dead gather
dust, rot, are forgotten, trodden underfoot. In the home, before the
hearth, the wounded bleed, but no swab is offered and no arms bear the
suffering to sanctuary and healing.
Always, always present, the two battered heads, crashing
together time after time after time in bloody rhythm of despair. Two
lifeless skulls, yet breathing, each smashing into the other's
grotesque, once-shapely visage.
In the living-room, the wounded lie, their breath rattling
through tight, exhausted lungs, as if in genuflective prayer at the
shrine of Enmity. And, as they lie, gasp and wait for death, their eyes
remain unwavering and fixed upon their foe, each now too weak to
fight anew, their self-immolating conflict raging instead through
hate-blind, clashing eyes.
In the bedroom, the weary, bloodshot-eyed combatants hold each
other in vice-like strangle hold. When, and only when, one renounces
their grip on breath and life and dies in anger, will the other
realise, for only a fleeting moment, that all the struggle was in vain
and, loveless, that same 'survivor' will die in misery and in suicide.
The malevolent word cuts far deeper than the blade, the
scornful eye wounds more deeply than the bullet. But words and
baleful looks do not suffice, nor quench the blood-thirst of this
world, thus is it that Anger bids that bullet and blade be brought
forth to sing in atrocious harmony and add to this chorus of
malevolence that rings through the tender minds of all who stand and
fall upon this bitter, spinning rock.