Tell me,bold marketeer,do you not hear it,that cacophony of
souls that screams when you lay upon paper your 'thought-provoking'
advert,conceived in a misguided,quasi-sexual mind which seizes throats
with unseen hand?
Do you not hear it?I hear it and pray that its sound would
carry with less hindrance along bloody corridors to your shrivelled
Do you not hear it?Not hear a hundred million sighs from they
who have not legs,nor breasts,nor face that mirrors your proffered
Do you not hear that cacophony of souls,as a hundred million
'imperfect'forms feel the piercing,searing gaze of a billion eyes?
Do you not hear that cacophony of souls,as a hundred million
'miscreant'faces look searchingly into mirrors and contemplate
disguise,with sighs?
Do you not hear that cacophony of souls,as a hundred million
eyes look with anxiety and inner tears at the pages of your magazines
and find themselves in despair as to how to build that bridge between
'ugliness'and 'beauty'?
That bridge,my bold marketeer,crosses the abyss that you and
similarly-bold friends dug with the force of a mighty simpleton with
your picks of stupidity.
You will never hear it,my bold marketeer,that cacophony of
souls,for sadly,your pen is far stronger than your conscience,your
greed far mightier than your sense of responsibility.
I hear it,though,that cacophony of souls,as it echoes from the
walls of maze-like metropolis or screams from illuminated screen or
brightly-coloured page.I hear the echo of that cacophony of souls and
know to where it flies;its home is blood and tears.