Tell me, Canon, how many lakes of undigested bile have you dragged forth
from young,self-conscious stomachs?
Tell me, Canon, how many million once-healthy teeth have you stained
with caustic spew produced by your indigestible and intransigent
Tell me, Canon, how many lies have you forced from the mouths of
innocents, so that they may protect what little sanity you have deigned
to leave them with?
Tell me, Canon, how many times have you made blood drip as tears upon
the faces of those innocents as they gaze, tortured,into
mirrors, and, gravely misled by you, behold only 'bloated', 'ugly'forms
Tell me, Canon, how many thousand blameless skeletons have you seen slip
from your vice-like,tormenting hand into an oblivion in
which, thankfully, you can touch them no more?
Tell me, Canon, for I and they demand to know, how many more would you
see succumb to your malevolence and be drained of life for the sake of
your deranged and hideous mind?
Tell me, Canon, when you demanded from billboard,magazine and screen
that her hips be narrow and her waist narrower, did you pause, in your
ignorance, to see how hard she has worked and continues to work to give
herself a fulfilling, professional life?
Tell me, Canon, when you raged at her from spew-stained catwalk and
demanded that her face be made-up to suit your wishes and not hers, did
you pause, in your ignorance, to see, perchance, how those whom she loves
and whom love her feel at ease when she is at their side and makes
them safe from the malice of rotting 'powers'like you?
Tell me, Canon, when you told her that the shape and size of her breasts
were not to your liking, did you pause, in your ignorance, to see how her
partner's eyes shine when she is near and fill with joyful tears when
she casts tender words upon a troubled brow?
Canon,I hate you,yet I know that when she and I and others die, we will, at least, have known the truth, however small, of those who stand and fall upon this spinning, bleeding rock. But you, o Canon, will perish amidst a fog of unreal dreams and will never, never see the light of truth, however pale its flickers.