Without a single stipulation, alas, imagination, yields a
simple stimulation, to the heart and mind and soul
In the shadows, ever standing, ever patient, understanding
never bold or reprimanding, but a shelter from the cold
'Tis there I keep returning, to still a heart forever
yearning, to soothe a soul within me burning, I easily
drift away
So overwhelming this obsession, I fear with such
regression, I'll slip away in my depression, and forever
there I'll stay
In my search for truth I've stumbled, and my world beneath
me crumbles, and a voice within me mumbles, that my eyes no
longer see
So I ponder death, and reason, that a life no longer
morrow, my soul detects I've borrowed, from some other dusk
or dawn
But she comes not with my pleading, yet taunts me in my
needing, leaves my soul alone, and bleeding, cold and empty
as before
I curse her then, in anger, that she dare to be a stranger,
to one who clearly names her, as the wretch that he implores
Still she yields no sign or token, that she hears the words
I've spoken, and the silence goes unbroken, 'till again my
anger grows
Damn thee and thy silence! I have seen thy work and
violence! rid thee now thy own defiance! alas, thy mercy
And with this, I wait explosion, from the power I have
chosen, indeed, I think, imposing, on a source I deem unfair
Still the quiet never ceases, growing stronger as it
reaches, to a hunger that increases, and I weep in my
Here, alas, my tears relieve me, and the anger slowly
leaves me, nothing more can now deceive me, as I awaken
from my dream
And I can see I've been protected, from the feelings I've
neglected, all the truths that I've rejected, ringing
clearer now it seems
For wisdom, now, has caught me, and it's truths have come
to haunt me, with the tide the moon has taught me, build
not thy castles in the sand
But it dampens my elation, to expose such revelations,
should I not heed my inclinations?.. how measure thee a man?
Though I name it only dreaming, I'll forever go believing,
'tis this world I know I'm leaving, to another distant
Still I return in less confusion, to a world I find
amusing, but I no longer feel I'm losing, once again, I can