I've walked without pain in the Master's domain though I've
walked with the devil as well
I have pondered my faith at the heavenly gates and wept at
the boundaries of hell
Both evil and good have I understood and they know me both
by name
Though never in haste have I made my mistakes I've made
them all the same
In my heart I believe I've never deceived what I consider
myself to be
I've tried to shed light on the mysteries of life in hope
that my eyes would see
But the questions conceal what the answers reveal though be
ye the wisest of men
And when the answers seem plain all the questions are
changed so the parody never ends
Let liars beware I know that you're there but it matters
not to me
I'll listen my friend to the voices within and be what I
must be
I'll admit that I've dealt with the devil himself for I'm
only a mortal man
But liars take heed don't hinder the needs of that which
you don't understand
It's a journey that's long and you'll walk it alone when
the truth is what you seek
You may stumble and fall with no one at all to comfort your
soul when you weep
So read what I pen if there's wisdom within then be that as
it may
And liars be warned as you scoff and you scorn you may
walk this path some day
To live or die to laugh or cry to follow the heart or
Be weak or strong or right or wrong you'll not stop the
sands of time
Have I squandered my youth in search of the truth? alas
I'll only relate
I've given in to the whispering winds and cast my all to