Tonight, I feel my chest tighten and my angst rise in throat.
Toinght, I wish to cry and cry,but this bitter pleasure is denied me
and so I know that my spleen must be vented by the sight of my own
dark blood spilling freely from self-inflicted wounds. In truth, I am
defined by the livid scars upon my body and the weakness of my mind
and, such, am indeed a 'self-made man'.
Tonight, I can shed no tears,though I would a thousand. Tonight, I know
that soon I shall be defined forever more by another word cut deep
into my flesh and soul.
Tonight, I know that, once again, my life will be saved by a blade that
seeks only to obey my desperate request.
Tonight, I feel my heart give way once more to abject despair, and once
more, I curse myself for my inability to repel such despair with
defiant eye, but mine eyes are blackened and wield no defiance, but
simply hope to cling to blood and blade until the storm is passed.